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Station V3

Station V3 is a rest stop and refueling station in a system where few people visit and fewer people need to rest or refuel.


Floyd is the station administrator. He likes to do things his way, but he's been reprogrammed so many times he's not quite sure what his way is.

First Appearance

Mr. Maintenance Engineer

Mr. Maintenance Engineer does all sorts of things to keep the station running, occasionally including his own job.

First Appearance


Emmit is the shuttle pilot, and the only human on the station.

First Appearance


Linton is in charge of station security, which is a much easier job than he would like.

First Appearance


Ebb serves an important function on the station, but nobody's quite sure what it is.

First Appearance


Morty is the maintenance assistant. When Mr. Maintenance Engineer is too busy to work on something... Morty doesn't work on it either.

First Appearance

The Chef

The Chef is an expert in the preparation of what can loosely be termed "food" on a good day.

First Appearance

The Plant

Evil mastermind... or maybe just decoration.

First Appearance

Unit Six

Whenever the Station Authority needs to send someone to the station to help out, they send Unit Six. Which probably means he annoyed somebody important at some point.

First Appearance

The Computer

The station needed a new computer. They got this one cheap.

First Appearance

Alternate Floyd

Since the fabric of space is stretched somewhat thin in Station V3's system, visits from Alternate Floyd are fairly common. This is one thing that can make the crew actually appreciate their own Floyd.

First Appearance

The Pirates

One of the two planets in V3's system is inhabited, and among its few inhabitants are the Pirates, who enjoy taking things over for the fun of it. The fact that they look like the station's security officer is just one of those funny coincidences that happen when people are related...

First Appearance

The Rumormongers

Besides the Pirates, the planet is home to these guys who enjoy hearing and spreading all sorts of rumors about the station.

First Appearance

Station V3 - by Tom Truszkowski, © 2003-2005
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